Arrival, departure times of 13 trains at BRML/Baramulla. 13 trains pass through Baramulla station. It is a small station and no long distance trains stop here. 11 DEMU trains, 2 MEMU trains stop at ...
11 DEMU trains, 2 MEMU trains stop at Sopore station. Detailed timetable is given below. A: Sopore railway station is a small railway station in Jammu and Kashmir, located in Baramulla district of the ...
The much-anticipated Vande Bharat Express to Kashmir is set to be inaugurated soon, marking a significant milestone in the ...
The Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL ... the renovation and upgradation of the railway station at Jammu will be completed in line with the requirements of the state-of-the-art Vande Bharat ...