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Mala Emde plays the spitfire teenage promoter who convinced Jarrett to perform on a broken piano, and in doing so made jazz history. On January 24, 1975, Keith Jarrett gave a solo piano ...
In 1975, Vera Brandes, then an 18-year-old student and part-time promoter, organized a concert for Keith Jarrett in Cologne, a recording of which became “The Köln Concert,” the best-selling ...
Keith Jarrett’s 1975 double ... the more soulful drama of Magaro’s Jarrett, on an overnight drive from Lausanne, Switzerland, to Cologne in a boxy old Renault with Manfred Eicher (Alexander ...
Vera Brandes (Mala Emde), is the 18-year-old spitfire who organized the concert, promoted it, and — at a crucial moment — cajoled Jarrett into going through with it, after he had decided to back out.
Mala Emde plays Vera Brandes, the 18-year-old music promoter without whom Keith Jarrett's celebrated piano recording, ‘The Köln Concert,’ might not have happened. By David Rooney Chief Film ...
In 1975, Vera Brandes, then an 18-year-old student and part-time promoter, organized a concert for Keith Jarrett in Cologne, a recording of which became “The Köln Concert,” the best-selling solo jazz ...
On January 24, 1975, Keith Jarrett gave ... Emde), is the 18-year-old spitfire who organized the concert, promoted it, and — at a crucial moment — cajoled Jarrett into going through with ...