A unique opportunity for Germany as a business location lies in deep tech and a strong innovation system of science and industry. Fraunhofer will be demonstrating its expertise in entrepreneurial ...
At Fraunhofer, scientific achievement and practical relevance are not mutually exclusive – we conduct applied research. Our research areas are geared toward the needs of society: health, safety and ...
Fraunhofer is the world’s leading applied-oriented research organization. Our employees conduct research at 76 institutes and research units in the fields of health, security, communications, mobility ...
Eine große Chance für den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland liegt in Deep Tech und einem starken Innovationssystem aus ...
Wenn Innovation mit Ideen beginnt, dann beginnt Transfer mit Ambition. Die persönliche Motivation von Forschenden, mit ihrer ...
Die Institute der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft kooperieren in diversen Forschungsbereichen mit Partnerinstitutionen in afrikanischen Staaten. Neben der Auftragsforschung für Unternehmen ist Fraunhofer in d ...
The tissue concepts founda-tion model developed by the Fraunhofer MEVIS experts: The foundation model is simultaneously pre-trained for various tasks (multitasking). Specific applications come later.
Part of the COOLBat project team at partner Compos-itence in Leonberg Achieving climate-friendly production of enclosures for battery systems in electric vehicles and thereby shrinking the vehicles’ ...
Flexible mycelium materials in different thicknesses can be used as upholstery material, insulation board or alternatives to leather. To most of us, fungi look like a curved cap and a stem. However, ...
The new European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is intended to prevent goods marketed in the EU from contributing to the spread of deforestation. When a wood product is brought into the EU market, ...
Beim Einsatz von Werkzeugen geht es um das Erreichen von Zielen. Diese sind auch unter Wasser zu finden. Wir möchten Ihnen Entwicklung und Nutzung von Unterwasserwerkzeugen vorstellen. Diese Werkzeuge ...