Treating patients with aspirin after completion of standard adjuvant therapy for colorectal cancer failed to significantly ...
These launches are what Oelrich called “must-win battles” at Bayer as the Xarelto loss of exclusivity reaches “full swing” in ...
Whether ahead of their time, truly bizarre, or just plain doomed, it’s certainly interesting to see companies go completely ...
"Can the intensity of warfarin be reduced if combined with aspirin?" (i.e., fixed-dose/low-intensity warfarin (INR <2) plus aspirin versus adjusted-dose warfarin [INR ≥2] alone). Though the ...
Still, our data suggest that nearly every U.S. adult with diagnosed diabetes has at least one measurable risk factor for CVD and thus may be considered a potential candidate for aspirin therapy.
Nearly 12 months later, green shoots may finally be appearing following a desperately dark time for the German group that invented aspirin ... Bayer’s ability to profit off the drug.
On Christmas morning, many Canadians are curled up in their coziest pyjamas to open presents. But Kaitlynn Hoffman and her partner are going to zip up their hooded dry suits and brave frigid ocean ...