Amílcar Lopes da Costa Cabral was born on September 12, 1924 in the town of Bafata in Portuguese Guinea, wedged between what was then French Guinea and the French colony of Senegal, in West Africa.
He defended his press freedom record. “In the PALOP [Portuguese-speaking African] countries, Guinea-Bissau is the only country where a journalist insults the President of the Republic and goes to ...
According to Le Monde, Newspaper and online News platform in a surprising statement on Sunday, September 15, President Umaro ...
Domingos Simoes Pereira, Braima Camara, or Nuno Nabiam-- would succeed him as president, declaring that, " Guinea-Bissau ...
Galal had replaced Portuguese coach Carlos Queiroz. The Egyptian Football Association opted not to renew Queiroz’s contract ...
Pope Francis said that in every part of the world, the birth of a child is a “shining moment of joy and celebration,” ...
Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao swept the streets with locals to help clean up the city before the pontiff's arrival.
Francis will be the first pope to visit the country, where about 98 percent of its 1.3 million people are Catholics, since ...
Green Climate Fund chief Mafalda Duarte aims to provide climate finance to vulnerable nations lacking funding, prioritizing those in need.