At its peak, the empire was one of the largest in both Islamic and African history. The Songhai people were the ruling elite in the empire. Gao was the capital of the empire. Other important cities in ...
Mungo Park, a Scottish explorer was said to have discovered the River Niger in 1796 during his first expedition to Africa.
A drastic change in certain gameplay elements has got me feeling worried about Civilization 7 and the future of the franchise ...
The Byzantine Empire utilises the same military concept that was later ... Mongols, Tangus, Jurchiens and Songhai. In each military conflict warring sides try to copy the successful strategy and ...
King of the Songhai Empire From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In 1480, Sunni Ali attacked the Mossi Kingdoms south of the Niger River. Unfortunately, he did not conquer the Mossi, but he was able ...