In this international friendly, neither team was able to gain an advantage. Both teams tried, it was even, but they failed to ...
Slovenian football legend Srečko Katanec has resigned as manager of Uzbekistan's national team due to health issues, signalling he was likely retiring from coaching for good.
Despite being close to qualifying for the World Cup finals for the first time, Uzbekistan head coach Srečko Katanec resigned ...
Timur Kapadze has been named Uzbekistan national team coach following the departure of Srecko Katanec due to ill health, the ...
Nekdanji selektor slovenske nogometne reprezentance Srečko Katanec, ki je od leta 2021 uspešno vodil izbrano vrsto ...
With Uzbekistan close to qualifying for the men’s World Cup for the first time, national-team coach Srečko Katanec resigned ...
Srecko Katanec resigns as Uzbekistan's national soccer team coach due to health reasons, despite coming close to qualifying for the 2026 FIFA World Cup. Under Katanec, Uzbekistan reached the 2023 ...
Srečko Katanec je zaradi težav z zdravjem izpustil priprave v Katarju, sedaj so na uzbekistanski zvezi potrdili, da so ...
With Uzbekistan close to qualifying for the men’s World Cup for the first time, national-team coach Srečko Katanec resigned ...
Nekdanji reprezentant in selektor slovenske nogometne reprezentance Srečko Katanec ni več selektor Uzbekistana, je poročala ...
Uzbekistanska nogometna zveza pa je Srečku Katancu izrazila priznanje za njegov trud pri vodenju reprezentance. Tamkajšnji mediji, med njimi tudi, so že v torek poročali, da se ...