Ten years on, the currency question remains largely unresolved. While the Scottish Government’s 2022 paper finally acknowledged the need for a Scottish pound “as soon as pract ...
The SNP is urging Scots to be “optimistic and hopeful” as the party launches a new leaflet on independence. Just over a ...
Despite Glasgow being scandalously held back from fulfilling its true potential, no other city was able to step into the ...
With a great turnout, frae a’ the airts, the Yes campaign celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Scottish referendum, when Scotland was cheated out of independence by the false “Vow” – remain in the ...
CALUM Steele’s article (“Clueless Police Scotland has lost the plot – we need change now”, September 18) was written with such anger ...
Nigel Farage, a Trump ally and Brexit champion, thinks his Reform U.K. party can become a major political force. At a ...
Is there anyone in Britain today more achingly insufferable than the members of Led by Donkeys? I’m struggling to think of ...
THE SNP should consider a coalition with Scottish Labour after the next Holyrood election, according to an ex MP ...
Just over a decade after the independence referendum, First Minister John Swinney will join fellow MSPs and campaigners in Glasgow for what the SNP describes as a national “day of action” by the party ...
Traffic wardens in Glasgow have taken up yoga as a way to combat the stress of the job — and it seems to be working. Parking ...
Stewart McDonald said Scotland's "two dominant centre left-parties" should consider a coalition if there is a "messy" result ...