Buy EMP slightly over 22.98 target 23.92 stop loss @ 22.91 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy EMP near 22.98 with an upside target of 23.92. This data also tells us to set a stop loss ...
Buy ROK slightly over 265.77 target 287.19 stop loss @ 265 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy ROK near 265.77 with an upside target of 287.19. This data also tells us to set a stop ...
Buy SPXS slightly over 6.61 target 7.99 stop loss @ 6.59 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy SPXS near 6.61 with an upside target of 7.99. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 6 ...
Buy PTEN slightly over 8.36 target 9.51 stop loss @ 8.34 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy PTEN near 8.36 with an upside target of 9.51. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 8 ...
Buy ALKT slightly over 31.42 target 34.46 stop loss @ 31.33 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy ALKT near 31.42 with an upside target of 34.46. This data also tells us to set a stop ...
Buy BEPI slightly over 17.33 target 18.19 stop loss @ 17.28 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy BEPI near 17.33 with an upside target of 18.19. This data also tells us to set a stop ...
Buy BOAT slightly over 33.23 target 35.71 stop loss @ 33.13 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy BOAT near 33.23 with an upside target of 35.71. This data also tells us to set a stop ...
Buy AGX slightly over 74.04 target 83.06 stop loss @ 73.83 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy AGX near 74.04 with an upside target of 83.06. This data also tells us to set a stop loss ...
Buy AFK slightly over 15.9 target 16.91 stop loss @ 15.85 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy AFK near 15.9 with an upside target of 16.91. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ ...
Buy AFGE slightly over 19.85 target 21 stop loss @ 19.79 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy AFGE near 19.85 with an upside target of 21. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 19 ...
Buy ADT slightly over 6.94 target 7.45 stop loss @ 6.92 Details The technical summary data tells us to buy ADT near 6.94 with an upside target of 7.45. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ ...