“evangelicals have been regarded as a uniform, monolithic group… and that they are a reliable conservative voting bloc. As a scholar of American religion who has studied the evangelical movement for ...
So if FEMA uses the accounting technique of saying that "these" funds are for emergencies and "these other" funds are for immigrants, then we can say that FEMA is not using emergency funds for ...
Simply because a plural ‘you’ is used—because a community is being addressed—doesn’t exclude individual action. That said, an individualistic application of a plural “you” should not lead us to assume ...
Daniel 7 has the same message as Daniel 2 (see the article here ). But, whereas Daniel 2 quickly sketches God’s victory over ...
“Self-styled ‘post-liberal’ conservatives see the American founding as the flawed product of the radical, secular Enlightenment. They argue that the American experiment in ordered liberty was already ...
Randall Goodgame “felt called to write for congregational singing. His new Scripture Hymnal, which releases October 21, contains 106 word-for-word Scripture songs.” - TGC Do not grumble against one ...
“By the end of the day, over 1,200 Israelis—men, women, children, even babies—were slaughtered. For around 250 others, however, the terror was just beginning, to be followed by captivity in Gaza.” - ...
“Reading lyrics on a page helps us grasp what kind of song we’re singing and enables us to meditate on lyrics after the slides move on. We can also look back at lyrics we sang previously to see ...
“Our takeaway regarding those who have left the United Methodist Church is that we applaud them. There are certainly other issues that would divide us theologically and practically, but commendation ...
“On the podcast, Pastor Perry discusses his ‘seasonal’ approach to living on mission, detailing what it looks like to ‘Put your Yes on the table for the Lord’ and keep it there.” - MBU ...
“He admitted that he knew ‘by most painful experience what deep depression of spirit means,’ but he wanted his students and others to think it not strange when they were ‘for a season possessed by ...
“1. Give your pastor and his family a weekend getaway…. 3. Catalog his books…. 7. Make a personal commitment to speak well of him—and choose not to listen to those who speak otherwise.” - The Baptist ...