Amphibians are small, cold-blooded vertebrates, including frogs, toads and salamanders, that are typically found in moist environments such as wetlands. Many amphibians start as aquatic larvae and ...
Indicator overview, general status, methods, status rank definitions, summaries and charts of vertebrate species in Alberta.
Vascular plants make up the majority of all terrestrial plants and include any plant with specialized vascular tissue (xylem ...
Highway 744 is a 2-lane highway, connecting Highway 676 to the south with Highway 49 (and the Town of Falher) to the north.
Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates including lizards, snakes and turtles that are typically covered by scales or bony ...
Among all birds, grebes have the highest proportion of species ranked ‘at risk’ and ‘may be at risk’, followed by falcons and ...
Fish are cold-blooded vertebrates that strictly live in water. They breathe using special organs called gills. Fish are the ...
Of the 89 native mammal species found in Alberta, bats are the group with the highest percentage of species that are ranked ...
Try our new Search AI tool as an alternative to the search below to improve your experience on using artificial intelligence. See the AISearch fact sheet for more information. 67% of ...
The Major Innovation Fund (MIF) is an outcomes-focused program that supports research and innovation investments of strategic and commercial interest as part of the Alberta Technology and Innovation ...
The diversity of wildlife in Alberta surpasses that in many other Canadian jurisdictions. Resident wild species can range from ants and antelope to walleye and whiskeyjacks, and includes naturally ...
Eligible parents in a high conflict parenting dispute meet with a clinician to help focus solutions on their children’s best interests.