And only a fraction of patients have their hypertension well-controlled, meaning there’s a need for novel strategies. The ...
Cocker spaniels, like many dog breeds, are happiest with their human companion. They don't care if they're cuddling up on the ...
The UI's Dr. Kerber revolutionized resuscitation science, and his passion is still being expanded, write James Merchant and ...
The game is played to benefit the American Heart Association, as first responders face a significantly higher risk of sudden ...
Much attention has been paid in recent years to life expectancy in the U.S., which remains lower than in many other ...
When Carolyn Thomas suffered her first heart attack in 2008, she was in her fifties, a distance runner and as fit as can be.
Nature has provided us with all the foods and nutrients we need to live a healthy life. But with the overconsumption of ...
How this could happen is clear: there is a lack of awareness among the younger generation on how their daily sugar intake ...