WhatsApp has confirmed that a leading pro-independence politician in Catalonia was the target of a phone hacking described by experts as a possible act of “domestic espionage”. The Facebook ...
It was with these thoughts in his mind, and “Madrid nos roba” on his lips, that then-Catalonian president Artur Mas declared in November 2015 that the process for Catalonian independence would ...
Inspired by the Scottish independence vote, Catalonians are protesting for their right to hold a referendum. Will they get one? And what will it mean for the rest of us? Simon Wilson reports. It's ...
The court said it “rejects all the pleas” made by Puigdemont, Antoni Comin and Clara Ponsati after the EU Parliament voted to strip the three of immunity in 2021. The European Union Court of ...
Muscàndia was established by Mr. Viader in 2009 in Barcelona before moving to the Can Rossell de la Llena estate in Alt Penedès in Catalonia, which the company acquired in 2020.
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has said he does not back Catalan independence, fearing others may follow the same path. Mr Juncker, speaking at a students forum in Luxembourg ...
Their study leveraged data from the Catalonian COVICAT cohort (n = 2,853 Catalonian adults aged 40–65) and found that while air pollutant exposure (particularly particulate matter) increased ...
The campaign was captured by British photographer David Sims in the Catalonian countryside, a nod to its Spanish roots.
Also removed were accounts used for Russian, Catalonian and Venezuelan propaganda. The 4,800 accounts were not a unified block, said Yoel Roth, Twitter's head of site integrity in a blog detailing ...