NASA predicts an 8-inch sea level rise by 2050, affecting Pacific island nations. Flood risks will grow annually.
The new Kapalama Container Terminal, which is the centerpiece of the state’s Harbor Modernization plan, will ensure that the ...
The Navy intends to significantly increase the level of training on Kauai and an uninhabited island that would exponentially ...
The largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, is three times as high as Everest, as wide as France and may still be ...
Nearly 20 years in the making, the reform initiative seeks to change the way Electoral College votes are counted.
Sam Schole/Moment/Getty Images You don’t need to wait for Halloween to visit a haunted house. There are plenty of sites and ...
The Taliban said Thursday it was absurd to accuse them of gender discrimination and other human rights violations, as four ...