- Perkembangan terbaru dari tarif AS untuk impor dari Kanada, Meksiko, dan China dapat mempercepat jalur ...
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Analis Bank Woori Saudara Rully Nova menilai pelemahan nilai tukar (kurs) rupiah dipengaruhi sikap Federal Reserve (The Fed) yang merasa tidak perlu lagi menurunkan suku ...
"Although it will take time for the necessary agency and regulatory actions necessary to implement the policy, Trump 2.0 is taking an even more hawkish approach to China as he did in his first ...
The National Bank of Hungary (NBH) delivered a hawkish hold at Governor Gyorgy Matolcsy’s last meeting on 25 February, as expected (see our NBH Preview). With this decision, the interest rate complex ...
Benchmark interest rate had not seen a cut since September 2020 as monetary policy makers had in a race to curb rising inflation had since the last quarter of 2020 adopted an hawkish stance.
while Australia's central bank sounded a hawkish tone on future rate cuts. Having eased for the first time in four years this week, the Reserve Bank of Australia seems in no hurry to go again with ...
SINGAPORE – Another dose of cold water on hopes for more US interest rate cuts sent local shares sliding a tad on Feb 20 after investors opted for a cautious approach. The US Federal Reserve ...
TOKYO -- The Japanese yen strengthened past 150 to the dollar on Thursday afternoon after hawkish comments from a Bank of Japan official made the previous day signaled a rate hike. The yen ...
Pernyataan 'hawkish' Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell menjadi faktor pendorong melemahnya rupiah, namun pengamat memperkirakan pelemahan terbatas. Link Telah Dicopy ...
INTEREST rate hikes from the Bank of Japan (BOJ) should help cut currency protection costs for Japanese investors, spurring their appetite for US investment-grade corporate bonds, according to Bank of ...
SINGAPORE stocks ended Thursday (Feb 20) lower, as markets reacted to the Federal Reserve’s January meeting minutes. The benchmark Straits Times Index (STI) fell 0.2 per cent or 6.53 points to ...
Rates are still pushing higher, now compounded by hawkish remarks from the European Central Bank’s Isabel Schnabel. While dismissing the possibility of hikes, she mentioned the ECB was getting closer ...