Amílcar Lopes da Costa Cabral was born on September 12, 1924 in the town of Bafata in Portuguese Guinea, wedged between what was then French Guinea and the French colony of Senegal, in West Africa.
He defended his press freedom record. “In the PALOP [Portuguese-speaking African] countries, Guinea-Bissau is the only country where a journalist insults the President of the Republic and goes to ...
In this article, we'll go through the list of ECOWAS countries so you can get familiar with the countries in this important ...
Domingos Simoes Pereira, Braima Camara, or Nuno Nabiam-- would succeed him as president, declaring that, " Guinea-Bissau ...
Catholic devotees were clamouring to see Pope Francis before his arrival in East Timor's capital on Monday -- making ...
Pope Francis touched down in Singapore Wednesday, the last stop of a four-nation Asia-Pacific trip aimed at boosting the ...
Green Climate Fund chief Mafalda Duarte is on a mission to help vulnerable nations that have yet to receive a penny from the world's largest dedicated source of climate finance.
Pope Francis arrived to a rock star welcome Monday in East Timor, where he will rally the Catholic-majority nation's faithful ...
Pope Francis arrived Monday in East Timor, where he will rally the Catholic-majority nation's faithful with a huge mass on ...
The musician talks about her upbringing, her career, and her ambitious new show for the Makers Series at Sydney Fringe.