早前有內地客在社交網站稱,在紅磡一間商場開玻璃門時,玻璃突然碎裂一地,以致手腳傷痕纍纍,形容自己「經歷生死一刻。」《東呼即應》探討事件,有專家解釋,或因商場冷氣與室外溫差 ...
一名年輕身材姣好的女子,身穿低胸上衣緊身韻律褲,在一間商場內挑選衣物,沒想到在人來人往的商場內,居然遇到變態男,男子再經過女子身後 ...
除了銅鑼灣,冒險樂園在港島一線商場The Southside、太古城中心都有據點。 隔個海的九龍區,冒險樂園在海運大廈、旺角MOKO、又一城及啟德AIRSIDE都設有分店,充分反映冒險樂園已成為一線商場 ...
2024奧運直播商場|7-8月商場活動迎奧運 為配合四年一度的奧運會,全港多個商場換上奧運主題的藝術裝置,部分商場設有大螢幕直播,讓市民聚在一起,為港隊運動員打氛。 7月25日設「啟約全 ...
與市民歡度國慶75周年,香港地產建設商會會員旗下近百個商場推出多項節慶優惠,長江集團、恒隆地產、恒基兆業地產等傳統大型地產商都有參與,包括每小時泊車低至$5,訪港旅客登記成爲 ...
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A 25-year-old man is dead after police said he was shot in the back after a fight in Pittsburgh's South Side Slopes neighborhood. Pittsburgh Police said they were called to a ...
據臉書粉專「台南式 Tainan Style」披露,統一集團預計10月份將在台南和緯路打造全新複合商場「湖美商場」。 據臉書粉專「台南式 Tainan Style」披露,統一集團預計10月份將在台南和緯路打造全新 ...
DONKI旺角文華商場(MPM)9.16開幕!DONKI第11間分店,今次終於進駐旺角心臟位置,開在朗豪坊對面的文華商場,又多一個新蒲點! DONKI旺角文華商場(MPM)9.16開幕!第11間分店 逾萬呎舖位設3大專 ...
A small village along the Eastern Cape’s Wild Coast was shaken up in August when two locals were brutally attacked by four armed men. While Dave Martin and his wife, Réjane Woodroffe are glad to be ...
CHICAGO (WLS) -- Four people, including three children, were injured in a crash on Chicago's South Side Saturday night. The crash, which appeared to involve a car and a semitrailer, took place ...
There's a hole longer than three football fields on the site of a future metro park on the South Side, and a small coalition of activists is raising the alarm that it's a dangerous, growing ...
Most passengers don't give much thought to which side of the plane they board from, but there's a specific reason why you always board from the left-hand side. It's a tradition that dates back to ...