It’s an age-old maxim to say politics is a game of addition, not subtraction. Coalition building is about bringing people ...
Current city ordinance allows lobbyists to give up to $1,500 to candidates for city office, or up to the statewide limit of ...
ShotSpotter is set to go dark on Sunday, fulfilling a campaign promise by Mayor Brandon Johnson to cancel the city's contract ...
The gunfire detection system ShotSpotter is set to go dark on Sunday. Canceling the city's contract with ShotSpotter was a ...
The system used in 12 of Chicago’s 22 most violent police districts is scheduled to be turned off Sunday. Mayor Brandon ...
As Mayor Johnson sticks to his plan, opponents are already trying to pin him with blame for any gunshot deaths that follow, ...
The City Council approved a last-ditch effort today over Mayor Brandon Johnson’s objection to try to keep the city’s gunshot ...
The Chicago City Council made a significant break with Mayor Brandon Johnson, voting to give the deciding vote over ...
‘Godzilla’ Snapping Turtle Is So Huge Virginia Officials Established a New Record Category If You Live In The United States, ...
The rule puts teeth in an Emanuel-era ethics policy by empowering a board to suspend lobbyists who contribute to mayoral ...
CHICAGO (WLS) -- Chicago aldermen voted Wednesday in favor of keeping ShotSpotter gun detection technology. Aldermen voted 33 ...
The powerful Zoning Committee has been without a permanent chair for almost a year as Mayor Brandon Johnson unsuccessfully ...