By his own admission, he has been ‘doxxed, abused, hounded, smeared’ – now, the former GB News presenter and cancel-culture martyr has found a new way to get himself talked about, says Alan Rusbridger ...
A Michigan priest had his license revoked by the Anglican Catholic Church after he made a gesture that "many have interpreted as a pro-Nazi salute" while speaking at the National Pro-Life Summit in ...
Elon Musk's father has revealed the ludicrous reason he believes his son did a "Nazi" salute on the mainstage of numerous ...
From Nazi salutes to anti-immigrant conspiracies, ideas once on the fringes are at the beating heart of the political ...
As he retired from Boys Town, Rev. Steven Boes left with an 18-year legacy of helping to modernize and grow the child welfare nonprofit. He also departed with some substantial ...
Join one of the only Christian universities in the U.S. that offers a comprehensive Asian Studies Program. At Calvin, you'll gain a fuller perspective of Asian culture through progressive language ...
And because Calvin is located in a historically Dutch-American region, you'll find plenty of connections to Dutch community, history, and culture. A Netherlandic studies minor complements any major, ...
O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear my humble prayers on behalf of your priests. Give them a deep faith, a bright and firm hope and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of their ...
You’re an individual who is truly unique. We celebrate the passions that drive you and the possibilities that inspire you. Here, a degree is a pursuit of purpose where learning empowers you, ...