Brave New World, Captain America and Hulk

With the arrival of Red Hulk - a.k.a. Thunderbolt Ross (Harrison Ford) - to the MCU earlier this year with Captain America: ...
Brave New World's Red Hulk debut isn't the only major moment that has been spoiled in a trailer for a movie or TV show in the ...
But there is one iconic Phase 1 casting choice that we wish we could have seen played out further in the franchise: Edward ...
Brave New World's Red Hulk stars in his new Marvel series, where he's a prisoner of future MCU villain Doctor Doom.
Amidst a political current of polarity and extremity, “Captain America: Brave New World,” directed by Julius Onah, endeavors ...
Hot Toys has released a new figure of Harrison Ford's Red Hulk from 'Captain America: Brave New World.' Check out the images ...
I was initially put off by the Leader's character design in Captain America: Brave New World, but it has grown on me after ...