Actor Rohit Roy recently shared that he lost 16 kilograms for his part in the Vivek Oberoi film Shootout at Lokhandwala. Roy said he would never do anything like that again.
Here are the top 5 things that can happen when you start drinking indian gooseberry juice with warm water every day.
Learn how to adapt your daily routine as you age to maintain optimal health and wellbeing through exercise, diet, hydration, ...
While hot water, lemon, cinnamon, and honey are delicious, it's essential to remember that significant weight loss comes from ...
She claims her GP told her she'd 'never get her waist back' after going through the menopause - but dropped 3 and a half ...
Kidney stones, also known as hard deposits of minerals and salts that form in the kidneys, are becoming more common in ...
Jumpstart your weight loss journey with the 21-Day Fix! This workout program combines effective exercises and nutrition for ...