More revisionist history from the Putin apologists. Sen. Ted Cruz serves up a big heaping helping of just that while helping Fox's Laura Ingraham attack Zelensky.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is about to bury the unscientific idea that carbon dioxide is a pollutant.
Militaries and startups use artificial intelligence to sift through vast amounts of data and power autonomous underwater ...
In April 1928, Joseph Goebbels, later the Third Reich’s chief propagandist, wrote a newspaper essay addressing the question ...
The vice president’s speech last week at the Munich Security Conference, combined with his meeting with the leader of the far ...
In April 1928, Joseph Goebbels, later the Third Reich’s chief propagandist, wrote a newspaper essay addressing the question ...
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Wednesday on Fox Business that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy should ...
Ahead of federal elections, a far-right political party leader in Germany is calling to lift sanctions on Russia and resume trade.
Relations will be strained until European leaders recognize that foreign policy realism places the pursuit of the American ...
A string of incidents involving damage to cables and other infrastructure in the Baltic Sea have occurred in recent months, ...
For the EU and NATO, the project of eastern enlargement has hit a wall, and internal divisions grow as some East European ...
The Trump administration is seeking a redeployment of military resources from the European theater for use in the domination of the Americas and ultimately focusing on the central target of US ...