Bollywood star Rakhi Sawant recently grabbed attention by challenging Pakistani actors Hania Aamir, Nargis, and Deedar to a dance-off, claiming she could defeat all three at once. In addition to the ...
Rangaraju, best known for his iconic portrayal of Paravur Rawther in the classic Mohanlal-starrer 'Vietnam Colony', was ...
Rangaraju, best known for his iconic portrayal of Paravur Rawther in the classic Mohanlal-starrer 'Vietnam Colony', was ...
He was undergoing treatment in Chennai..Veteran Telugu actor Vijaya Rangaraju, Paravur Rawther, Mohanlal, Vietnam Colony, ...
Actor Vijaya Rangaraju, best known for his role in 'Vietnam Colony', passed away in Chennai following a heart attack. He was ...
An estimated 10,000 bodies are believed to be buried under the debris covering Gaza after the devastating 15-month war.
The world of Telugu cinema mourns the loss of Vijaya Rangaraju, a talented actor who gained fame for his portrayal of ...
Yogesh Mahajan was popular for his work in Marathi films, such as Mumbaiche Shahane and Samsarachi Maya. He also starred in ...
Veteran Telugu actor Vijaya Rangaraju died due to heart attack in Chennai. He reportedly suffered an injury last week during ...