Our Services - Kela
Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, is a government agency that provides basic economic security for everyone living in Finland.
Henkilöasiakkaat | Kela
Kansaneläkelaitos, Kela, hoitaa Suomessa asuvien sosiaaliturvaa eri elämäntilanteissa.
OmaKela e-service | Our Services | Kela
Managing your Kela-related affairs online is convenient, because you can do so anytime and anywhere. Your application and supporting documents reach Kela right away. In OmaKela, you can also see if any information or documentation is missing from your application.
Social assistance | Our Services - Kela
OmaKela is available in Finnish and Swedish. If you cannot use OmaKela, send your application to Kela by post. Read the instructions on how to apply for social assistance.
Asiointipalvelu OmaKela | Henkilöasiakkaat | Kela
OmaKela on Kelan asiointipalvelu henkilöasiakkaille. Voit hoitaa lähes kaikki Kela-asiasi OmaKelassa. OmaKelassa voit muun muassa hakea useimpia etuuksia sekä lähettää liitteitä ja viestejä Kelaan.
Child benefit | Our Services - Kela
Kela pays child benefit for each child who is permanently resident in Finland. The payment continues until the end of the month when the child is 17 years old.
Kela contact information | About Kela | Kela
Contact information for Kela’s researchers (tietotarjotin.fi) Kela's organizational structure. Looking for these?
Can you get benefits from Kela when you move to Finland?
You can apply for Kela benefits in the OmaKela e-service (in Finnish or Swedish) or on a form. Also notify us of your move to Finland in the OmaKela e-service or file the form Moving to Finland or employment in Finland Y 77e (PDF) with us, if you have not done that already.
History | About Kela | Kela
Kela (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland) was founded on 16 December 1937. Kela was, as its Finnish name implies, initially a pension institution whose sole responsibility was to pay out national pensions. Since then, Kela’s operations have been expanded, diversified and …
Kirjautuminen OmaKelaan | Henkilöasiakkaat | Kela
Valitse kela.fi-sivun yläreunasta kohta Kirjaudu – OmaKela. Valitse Ulkomaalaisen tunnistustavat ja kirjaudu oman maasi tunnistusvälineillä. Avautuvalla asiointisivulla voit lähettää viestin, hakemuslomakkeita ja liitteitä Kelaan.